Invasive Species | Species by Vegetation Type | Taxonomic Master List Aquatic Insects | Reptiles and Amphibians | Bats of Beaver Creek | Birds of Beaver Creek
Species By Vegetation Type: Ponderosa Pine Forests Semi-Desert Shrubland Plant Species Plant Species Plant Taxonomic List Plant Taxonomic List Animal Species Animal Species Animal Taxonomic List Animal Taxonomic List Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Riparian Areas Plant Species Plant Species Plant Taxonomic List Plant Taxonomic List Animal Species Animal Species Animal Taxonomic List Animal Taxonomic List Semi-Desert Shrublands Animal Species Big game pronghorn antelope mule deer white-tailed deer javelina mountain lion Antilocapra americana Ord. Odocoileus hemionus Raf Odocoileus virginianus Zimm. Tayassu tajacu L. Felis concolor L. Smaller carnivores badger bobcat coyote grey fox hooded skunk striped skunk spotted skunk Taxidea taxus Schreber Lynx rufus Schr. Canis latrans Schr. Urocyon cinereoargenteus Schr. Mephitis macroura Lich. Mephitis mephitis Schr. Spilogale putorius L. Small game and rodents desert cottontail valley pocket gopher black-tailed jackrabbit Arizona pocket mouse cactus mouse rock pocket mouse southern grasshopper mouse western harvest mouse white-footed mouse raccoon white-throated wood rat ringtail Harris' antelope squirrel porcupine Sylvilagus audobonii Baird Thomomys bottae Eydoux and Gervais Lepus californicus Gray Perognathus amplus Osgood Peromyscus eremicus Baird Perognathus intermedius Merriam Onychomys torridus Coves Reithrodontomys megalotis Baird Peromyscus leucopus Raf. Procyon lotor L. Neotoma albigula Hartl. Bassariscus astutus Lichtenstein Ammospermophilus harrisii Aud. & Bach. Erethizon dorsatum Mearns Bats and shrews big brown bat Mexican free-tailed bat California myotis western pipistrelle desert shrew Eptesicus fuscus Beauv. Tadarida brasiliensis St-Hil. Myotis californicus Audobon and Bachman Pipistrellus hesperus H. Allen Notiosorex crawfordi Coves Gallinaceous birds, pigeons, doves and quail mourning dove white-winged dove Gambel's quail Zenaida macroura L. Zenaida asiatica L. Lophortyx gambelii Gambel Hawks, vultures, and owls golden eagle peregrine falcon prairie falcon red-tailed hawk sparrow hawk great horned owl western screech-owl turkey vulture Aquila chrysaetos L. Falco peregrinus Tuns. Falco mexicanus Schl. Buteo jamaicensis Gmelin Falco sparverius L. Bubo virginianus Gmelin Otus kennicottii L. Cathartes aura L. Non-game birds cardinal house finch gilded flicker vermilion flycatcher black-tailed gnatcatcher mockingbird lesser nighthawk phainopepla phoebe common raven road runner loggerhead shrike black-throated sparrow house sparrow white-crowned sparrow crinssal thrasher curve-billed thrasher brown towhee Gila woodpecker ladder-backed woodpecker cactus wren canyon wren rock wren Richmondena cardinalis L. Carpodacus mexicanus Muller Colaptes chrysoides Malh. Pyrocephalus rubinus Bodd. Polioptila melanura Swain. Mimus polyglottos L. Chardules acutipennis Herm. Phainopepla nitens Swain. Sayornis saya Bona. Corvus corax L. Geococcyx californianus Lesson Lanius ludovicianus L. Amphispiza bilineata Cass. Passer domesticus L. Zonotrichia leucophrys Forster Toxostoma dorsale Henry Toxostoma curvirostre Swain. Pipilo fuscus Swain. Melanerpes uropygialis Baird Dendrocopos scalaris Wagler Campylorphynchus brunneicapillus Lafr. Catherpes mexicanus Swain. Salpinctes obsoletus Say
Species By Vegetation Type:
Semi-Desert Shrublands Animal Species