Beaver Creek  
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    I    Summary
    II    Characteristics
           Ecological Drivers
               Land Use
    III    Ownership/Access
             Remote Sensing
    IV    Infrastructure
    V    Supplemental Info
             Site History
    VI    Publications

Section V: Potential

        Arizona's population of potential students of college age is growing rapidly, especially among Hispanics (both US-born and immigrant). NAU has a special commitment to serve Native American students, who comprise 6 % of total university enrollment. A strong commitment to minority undergraduate engagement is demonstrated by current funded programs such as National Institute of Health(NIH), Minority Student Development(MSD), Minority Access to Research Careers(MARC), and Bridges programs; Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology; REU Site programs in multiple fields; and the engineering design sequence. NAU's commitment to Native American communities extends beyond the classroom thanks to efforts such as the EPA-funded training programs of the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals. These programs could disseminate NEON findings and opportunities effectively throughout the tribal nations of the Southwest.
Northern Arizona University         Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research         Rocky Mountain Research Station         MAB